Luke Schmitt


Robotics Software Engineer 🤖 Interested in control, planning, and STEM education.

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Robotics software engineer at Trossen Robotics. I develop open source software for robotic platforms ranging from hobbyist and educational all the way to industrial. I primarily work on ROS-compatible platforms using C++ and Python.


Date Event Description
2021/06/03 Started working as a Robotics Software Engineer at Trossen Robotics
2021/05/22 Graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a 3.8 GPA
2020/05/18 Began internship at Westinghouse Electric Company as a robotics engineer in Robotics & Tooling
2020/01/16 Joined the Computational Engineering & Robotics Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon
2019/08/26 Started mechanical engineering master's degree program at Carnegie Mellon University
2019/05/11 Graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Akron
2019/05/05 Accepted the prestigious College of Engineering Trajectory Award
2019/04/26 Won first place in Health, Robotic, and Manufacturing System Design for senior design project
2018/12/07 Accepted the Dr. Karen M. Murdy Achievement Award for winning second place at the 2019 UA Interdisciplinary Symposium for the poster titled “Rotary Torsion Fixtures for Augmentation to Existing Testing Machines: Generating Pure Torsion Loading from Axial Motion”
2014/08/24 Started mechanical engineering bachelor's degree program at the University of Akron