Luke Schmitt


Robotics Software Engineer 🤖 Interested in control, planning, and STEM education.

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Carnegie Mellon University

Computational Engineering and Robotics Laboratory

A laboratory that performs research on the intersection of medicine, product development, computation, and robotics.

The University of Akron

UAkron NASA Robotic Mining Competition Team

A multidisciplinary team of students that design and build a robot to compete in NASA’S Robotic Mining Competition.

Roles & Responsibilities


UAkron Biomedical Engineering Design Team

Students who create tools and toys for children with disabilities in the Akron area. They also partner with a hospital in Ghana to develop inexpensive and effective solutions for their needs.

Roles & Responsibilities

Dean’s Team

A team of select student that lead and participate in recruitment events and initiatives for the College of Engineering.

Bold denotes significant personal contribution